letter of support for tea service

below is a letter that you can use to express your support for our application for a permit to serve and sell tea in our new location. you can either copy and paste this letter into an email addressed to bzasubmissions@dc.gov, with the subject line “Case # 21160”; or you can use the button below.  

thank you again for standing by me through this challenging time.   

ching ching

or copy and paste the following letter:

Re: Application for Special Exception and Variance Relief BZA Case no. 21160 - Three Tables, The LLC 1314 21st Street, NW, Unit 1 (Square 69, Lot 228)

Dear Members of the Board,

I am writing to express my strong support for the application submitted by Three Tables, The LLC, regarding the property located at 1314 21st Street, NW, Unit 1.

Ching Ching Cha has been an integral part of our community since its relocation to 1314 21st Street, NW, in April 2023. Having been a staple in Georgetown for 25 years prior to its move, Ching Ching Cha brings a rich cultural heritage and a unique offering of artisanal teapots, pottery, and accessories to our neighborhood.

The pouring of tea and the sale of tea are integral to the artistic experience and are deeply rooted in Asian culture. By allowing Ching Ching Cha to continue serving tea and selling tea-related products, the Board would not only support a local business but also preserve and promote cultural diversity within our community.

Furthermore, I believe that the granting of area variance relief from C-204.9(b) is warranted given the unique circumstances of the property. The mixed-use nature of the building, coupled with its commercial history dating back to at least 1972, presents practical difficulties in conforming strictly to zoning regulations. Denial of this relief would not only impose practical difficulties on the owner, as the pouring and sale of tea are integral to the existing art gallery use, but also risk the loss of a cherished community asset.

In conclusion, I urge the Board to approve the special exception and variance relief sought by Three Tables, The LLC. Doing so would uphold the vibrancy and character of our neighborhood while ensuring the continued success of Ching Ching Cha. Thank you for your attention to this matter.